What happens during a consultation:

Chinese medicine is a form of traditional medicine that evolved in East Asia over a period of several thousand years. It combines a detailed and holistic approach to diagnosis with a broad spectrum of therapeutic interventions. These include acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle advice to treat disease and to restore and maintain good health and well-being.
As a practitioner, I work with acupuncture from both a Traditional Chinese medicine perspective with Japanese techniques & approach. I prescribe Chinese herbal formula using prepared concentrated pure herbal extracts individually designed for each patients specific needs.

Chinese Medical Herbalism is a safe and effective way of using plant medicine as a treatment for a range of illnesses and conditions. Chinese Herbs are available at "Roaring Health centre", and follow-up appointments can be arranged in-person in Kilcoe, or online via Zoom/Skype.

  • Natural plant based medicine

  • Safe and effective

  • Works with your body

  • Strict quality control for herbs

  • Easy to take concentrated herbal extract granules.

2. What are the benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM)?

Chinese Herbal Medicine offers a comprehensive range of treatments for many ailments. In the West it has built a reputation for the treatment of many conditions. Below is an example of what patients have come with:

  • Respiratory tract disorders such as acute cough and asthma,

  • Gynaecological disorders such as infertility, endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Pre & post partum conditions: pregnancy, breast feeding issues, general exhaustion!

  • Babies/ Children & Childhood illness: Digestive, poor development, eczema, nocturia.

  • Urogenital conditions: acute and recurrent urinary tract infections.

  • Allergic and autoimmune conditions such as Hay Fever and Graves, RA, Lupus, Sjogren’s disease

  • Digestive diseases such as Bloating, wind, Coeliac, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD, and ulcerative colitis

  • Skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and acne

  • Mental and emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression

  • Supportive treatment for people living with chronic conditions, auto-immune conditions, fatigue & cancer.

However the potential of CHM extends much further than this and in China most Western medical departments are matched by their CHM equivalents.


During this current Covid-19 crisis Nona is only available for on-online Consultation & Strategy Sessions:

  • As everyone is different even if you share the same western named condition. Your first appointment will be a detailed introductory and strategy session & involves the following.

  • We take a detailed case history (you will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire before we meet.

  • Following consultation, a full Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis will be explained to you in clear, understandable "colloquial" terms

  • Together we discuss of all possible treatment options available.

  • We decide together on a personalised treatment strategy for the future.

  • An individual concentrated herbal granula prescription can be made up designed specifically for your needs & posted out to you.

  • Follow-up session is usually 3-4 weeks arfer the initial consultation.

  • Please contact Nona for a free 15 minute Discovery Call where you can discuss your health concerns and goals by sending her an email at


  • ONLINE consultations are available by skype/zoom for herbal consultation only.

  • A recording of a ‘Zoom’ consultation can be shared with you for your reference.

  • Please note that 24hrs is required for a cancellation or change of appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee applies.

Any Questions?

Email us at:


Call us at:

+353 2838638



"Nona was recommended to me approximately 13 years ago. When I had major health problems and my blood count was down to 3. Doctors were scaring me to go to hospital for a blood transfusion but thanks to Nona and her remedies within 3 days she had my blood count back up to 6. I also suffer from anxiety and sleepless nights. That when I contact Nona she gives me so much of her time she has never rushed me she always listen to me no matter how long I take for this I am totally grateful. Not only is Nona professional in her business but she is also a true friend that you know you can trust. Other family members also attend Nona and feel the same as I do. I plan on continuing to see Nona for many years to come and I would totally hand on my heart recommend her to anyone."

Ann Cremin
Mallow Co. Cork, Ireland

"I first consulted Nona with a deteriorating chronic condition. The herbal mix she prescribed was an amazing instant success and I have continued to see Nona regularly ever since.
Nona's clear and thorough explanation of the causes and conditions underliyng the symptoms that I experience have greatly increased my understanding of how my body functions and have given me confidence that every situation is workable."

Annette Moeker
West Cork, Ireland

I come from a family tradition of taking herbs for ailments. My grandmother was fastidious about the foods she consumed and was an ardent believer in the "miracle" of herbs and vitamins. For me growing up, it was normal that people ate food that they grew and had a drawer filled with vitamin supplements. Having said that I, too, am a sceptic. When I first came to Nona with a complaint about aching knee and ankle joints, I had no heightened expectation that the herbs she would give me would be of any consequence. But within days the pain in the joints had abated and I was delighted. Still the sceptic, I thought it could just be coincidental. That was until the first time I ran out of the herbs and the pain returned, until I began taking the prescribed herbs once again. My over all health and mood has improved since I began taking the chinese herbs.
I find Nona to be a competent practitioner. she is a good listener and freely shares her wealth of information. I have frequently recommended Nona to my friends.

Maureen Fitzpatrick
West Cork, Ireland

Nona was recommended to me in a time that I really could get all the help I needed, because I was trying to get out of the physical results of a bad accident.

I am always very, very careful with people who work with me. First of all, I have worked in the Health Care Service, so I know how many people are out there who maybe have the qualification, but not the ability to be a good practitioner.

When I met Nona, I knew immediately that she is not only well trained in what she is doing, but she showed me that she is a very good practitioner. On the form you have to fill in before you see her, there are many questions. And although it covers so much, you tend to forget malfunctions in your body, because it either is too long ago, or you live with it for so long that it is almost a part of you. But Nona was able to pick those things up. I was really impressed.

She is not only a very good practitioner, but a nice, understanding person to work with, which in my opinion is so, so important.

The mix of Chinese Herbs she gave me, worked very well for me. I felt after a while that some things in my body started to work at a normal level again. Nona tells you: “in the beginning you maybe do not like the taste. It tastes maybe like mud...”, but I never had that experience. The last mix is even very nice to drink! But of course that is maybe very personal.

Overall, I am very grateful, that Nona was recommended to me. I feel that she helps me a lot.

Maudeen Seghers
Kenmare, Co. Kerry, Ireland

Nona Taylor is extraordinary knowledgeable, experienced and compassionate. Considering that I am older, my health is fragile after cancer, and that I have lived in, and travelled in many countries, I have dealt with many medical professionals around the world and I must say that she is one of the few I have encountered who truly respects you, does her utmost to help you AND who is also exceptionally skilled. I trust her completely. I am tremendously grateful that she is my 'doctor' and I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Linnja Lindelöw-Björnsdotter
Aix-en-Provence, France

Several months ago I requested a bone density x-ray. I went up to UCH on Monday to have it. I was hoping that it would show no deterioration, at best. I was totally surprised to hear that my bone density has improved. This means that during the three or so years since my first x-ray my strategy to improve my bone density has worked. This is: your herbs, which I believe include herbs for bones, bio-identical hormone, Calcium, other minerals, fish oil and vitamin D3, which combined have accomplished my improvement. I am delighted and I hope you are too as a practitioner.

Pagan Grigg
Ballydehob, Co Cork, Ireland

"I've been seeing Nona for herbs for 5 years. Sometimes she also prescribes bush flower remedies which are always helpful. Her herbs have really helped me rebalance my body and regain strength I thought I had lost for good. Nona's consultations are professional and her assessments are spot on. She really takes the time to listen to you and to understand the whole picture. Her experience and wealth of knowledge make me feel confident in her care. I plan on continuing to see Nona for many years to come."

Chandler Dunlap
Roqueredonde, France

I had an accident trapping my little finger in the hinge of a heavy oak door. This served as a guillotine cutting through the top of my finger including the bone. In hospital they taped the finger back into position but said there was nothing that could be done about the bone. I was given painkillers, told I would loose the nail & sent home.

I went to Nona who worked using the tuning forks to clear the shock from my body, then used a fork directly on the tip of my finger. I felt the vibration flow up my arm through my bones to my shoulder. The pain was greatly reduced, I did not need painkillers, and amazingly the broken bone repositioned itself back into alignment! I did not even loose my nail which had been crushed, bruised black, & cut in half!

I find the tuning forks to be profoundly healing, non invasive & deeply relaxing. I feel my body release an inner sigh as the forks bathe me in their subtle vibration. I come away feeling rebalanced & at peace.

Helen English
West Cork, Ireland